
Want to be viral?

Apr 25, 2023 | Ads territory

You need to know a few things if you want to be viral. Not every viral content goes viral out of nowhere; they usually have a couple of important elements that are taken into consideration so that can happen. But no worries, you don’t have to go anywhere else to look them up; we have them just right here for you.

First thing you need to have:

  • Personality matters; usually, when we share/post things that make us look good, other people see us in a better light, as an interesting person, and even as a leader; this is called share capital.
  • Always use an attractive headline, a hook! It’s essential to know how to grab your audience’s attention; use a phrase, a question, or what comes to your mind that is attractive to your users.
  • There are some emotions that tend to get a content viral, people like content that they can relate to and show empathy, basically things that generate an emotional engagement.
  • You need to make your content public! If it’s public, more people can see it and share it.
  • Making valuable practical information content is a must like: guides, infographics, listicles, and so on, which makes people want to share it with someone they think might benefit from it.
  • Tell a good story, Twitter threads, GRWM, for example, add potential virality because who doesn’t like to know!? Keep in mind that narrative-driven content is more effective at reaching audiences.


Professor Jonah Berger studied these six attributes in his book “Contagious” according to him, the more of these six you have in your content, the more possibilities it has to become viral. So if you’re really into this, find his book!


The more natural people get your message, the easier it is for them to share it, so be spontaneous, work hard, be dedicated, and find the best way to make your content show on as many screens as possible. You can do it.

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