
Netflix And Roku. Are They Actually Going To Be Working Together?

Aug 1, 2022 | News

There has been some rumoring that Netflix is planning to acquire Roku (yes, you read just fine, Netflix-buying-Roku), which means that we don’t know for a fact this will happen, but we do know what it would mean.

This partnership will help Netflix with two pressing subjects: impulse ad strategies and recapturing subscribers; we all know Netflix has been losing its audience monthly, so this would be an exciting union for both platforms.

If this union happens, Netflix won’t have to dilute its premium subscriptions, counting them still in their earnings. Of course, with Roku’s audience as an ally, they will increase exposure, which means they will start reaching more people, meaning more subscribers and more income!!

As you all know, Roku is very popular in every America’s living room; it is also a significant player in ad-supported OTT streaming services, services that form part of us with our Roku channels that you will be able also to enjoy thanks to this possible union.

If these two companies do work together, imagine the power they will get, the number of people they will reach, and all for themselves. This will be amazing!

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