
Moonwalking From Earth?

Dec 30, 2022 | News

This year has brought an entirely new tech world like the `Moonwalk` VR and AR experience Meta Immersive Learning was part of with the Black Dot Films and Meridian Treehouse to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Apollo mission bringing 10.000 people to the moon at the Smithsonian Arts and Industries Building.

Black Dot Films VR was able to rebuild the lunar surface using cutting-edge technology and a technique called photogrammetry. This incredible work was possible after four years of researching over 7.000 NASA archives, gathering images of the Apollo missions that helped create a wonderful, inspiring story with some audio recordings from the astronauts at that time.

As you can imagine, this was an extraordinary success, so they partnered with Augmented Reality to have even more impact, creating an effect on Instagram where you could see every detail of the Apollo command module, learn about space travel, and even take a `lunar selfie` in an astronaut suit.

This incredible success shows a tiny glance at what future learning could look like in the Metaverse. Imagine what other subjects we can learn immersed in virtual reality and the true impact of learning this way. This just keeps opening a whole new world of possibilities. So tell us, what do you think of this?

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