
Marketing In Tough Times?

Jan 15, 2023 | Improving tips

It has been challenging in Marketing now that customers are more cautious due to fear of inflation and the recession; there`s more pressure to get better results by `doing more with less,` so we will share some tips that could help you during these tough moments.

Tip #1: Use marketing technology that pays for itself; some martech can do that more quickly than others. For example, AI can provide real-time data and analysis on campaigns giving you the space to adjust them quickly in case you need to.

Tip #2: Make frequent plans for shorter periods, including processes that allow you to change course fast. With the pandemic, we all learned that we need to be prepared for anything; we know for sure that things change, so make strategic plans for a shorter time.

Tip #3: Ensure everyone is aligned with your company`s purpose and ESG story. How can you do that? With communication! Share your purpose with your customers, employees, and investors. Talk to your colleagues, and work hand in hand with the CEO so everyone is on the same page.

The more everyone grows and learns more abilities, the more your team is prepared for whatever comes next. Whatever comes, harder or easier times, you`ll have the tools and knowledge to push through it and succeed. So lay on your team, trust them, and keep incentivising great communication.

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